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Non-profit 501 (c)(3) status afforded by the IRS

Ike’s & Randy Boxing Gym recently obtained a non-profit 501 (c)(3) status afforded by the IRS. We will engage in fund raising events and other activities to secure grants to keep the gym operating in proper order for years to come.  The most important reason for us to continue breathing life into this gym is because we keep young people off the streets where disagreements all too often end in gunfire with fatal results. We teach young people of both sexes to respect one another and respect is simply afforded to those who train hard, develop talent, and display courage. People of all races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions mingle at the gym and display respect for one another. This is the paramount reason to continue doing what we do. 

Several years ago there were actually six (6) boxing gyms in operation in Paterson. Presently, there are only two. We are the longest running boxing gym in Paterson with twenty-two years and two months of continuous operation.  Please consider making a small tax-deductible contribution to help less fortunate kids strive to become future champions. 


98 Park Ave
Paterson,NJ 07501
TEL: +1 (973) 881-9723 
FAX: +1 (973) 881-9723
MON - FRI: 9:00 AM -7:45 PM
SAT: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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